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Two zones

The previous sections demonstrated how to run a simulation and generate a model, focusing on a simple one-zone free-floating building. This tutorial will guide you through simulating a two-zone building. You can apply a similar modeling approach for more complex multi-zone buildings.

Input configuration file

The described building is a multi-room structure with two distinct spaces (rooms), featuring various wall and glazing constructions for thermal performance. The materials used have moderate thermal conductivity and density, indicating that the building is likely designed for energy efficiency, potentially for residential or small commercial use. The presence of two different room sizes suggests versatility in the building's layout. The windows are double-glazed with an air-filled space, enhancing insulation. Overall, the building indicates a focus on thermal comfort and energy efficiency.

  - id: MATERIAL:001
    thermal_conductivity: 0.045
    density: 2100.0
    specific_heat_capacity: 900.0
  - id: MATERIAL:002
    thermal_conductivity: 0.04
    density: 1950.0
    specific_heat_capacity: 950.0
  - id: MATERIAL:003
    thermal_conductivity: 0.038
    density: 2050.0
    specific_heat_capacity: 920.0

  - id: CONSTRUCTION:001
      - material: MATERIAL:001
        thickness: 0.12
      - material: MATERIAL:002
        thickness: 0.08
      - material: MATERIAL:003
        thickness: 0.1

  - density: 2500.0
    id: GLASS:001
    longwave_emissivity: 0.82
    shortwave_emissivity: 0.65
    specific_heat_capacity: 860.0
    thermal_conductivity: 1.1

  - density: 1.18
    id: AIR:001
    longwave_emissivity: 0.0
    shortwave_emissivity: 0.0
    specific_heat_capacity: 1005.0
    thermal_conductivity: 0.026

  - id: INS2AR2020:001
      - glass: GLASS:001
        thickness: 0.005
      - gas: AIR:001
        thickness: 0.014
      - glass: GLASS:001
        thickness: 0.005

  - parameters:
      floor_area: 80.0  # Smaller room
      average_room_height: 2.5
    id: SPACE:001
        - surface: 90.0
          azimuth: 180.0
          tilt: wall
          construction: CONSTRUCTION:001
        - surface: 70.0
          azimuth: 90.0
          tilt: wall
          construction: CONSTRUCTION:001
        - surface: 160.0
          azimuth: 270.0
          tilt: wall
          construction: CONSTRUCTION:001
        - surface: 80.0
          construction: CONSTRUCTION:001
        - surface: 1.5
          azimuth: 180.0
          tilt: wall
          construction: INS2AR2020:001
          width: 1.5
          height: 1.0

  - parameters:
      floor_area: 120.0  # Larger room with different shape
      average_room_height: 2.7
    id: SPACE:002
        - surface: 120.0
          azimuth: 180.0
          tilt: wall
          construction: CONSTRUCTION:001
        - surface: 100.0
          azimuth: 90.0
          tilt: wall
          construction: CONSTRUCTION:001
        - surface: 220.0
          azimuth: 0.0
          tilt: wall
          construction: CONSTRUCTION:001
        - surface: 120.0
          construction: CONSTRUCTION:001
        - surface: 2.0
          azimuth: 180.0
          tilt: wall
          construction: INS2AR2020:001
          width: 2.0
          height: 1.2

  - space_1: SPACE:002
    space_2: SPACE:001
    construction: CONSTRUCTION:001
    surface: 18.0


This code snippet demonstrates how to simulate a two-zone building using Trano, which is similar to simulating a one-zone building. The primary distinction is in the structure of the configuration file. Additionally, the library name "buildings" is utilized here.

By default, Trano employs the Buildings library for simulation. In the next tutorial, we will explore how to use alternative libraries, such as the IDEAS library.

Test tutorials
    from trano.main import simulate_model
    from trano.simulate.simulate import SimulationLibraryOptions

        path_to_yaml_configuration_folder / "two_zones.yaml",
            end_time=2 * 3600 * 24 * 7,

General Explanation

The code snippet imports necessary functions and classes to simulate a model defined in a YAML configuration file using specific simulation options.

Description and Parameters

  • Function: simulate_model()
  • Parameters:
  • path_to_yaml_configuration_folder / "two_zones.yaml":
    • YAML configuration file specifying the simulation setup.
  • SimulationLibraryOptions:
    • Class used to define simulation parameters.
    • Attributes:
    • start_time: Start time of the simulation (0 seconds).
    • end_time: End time of the simulation (2 weeks in seconds).
    • tolerance: Precision threshold for the simulation (1e-4).
    • library_name: Name of the simulation library being used ("Buildings").


The report below is generated by Trano following the simulation of the two-zone building.


External Boundaries Table

hRoo AFlo linearizeRadiation m_flow_nominal mSenFac T_start volume
2.5 80.0 true 0.01 1.0 294.15 200.0
gain k occupancy name
[40; 75; 40] 1/7/3 3600*{9, 17} occupancy_1
External Boundaries Table
Name Azimuth Construction Name Surface Tilt
externalwall_6 180.0 construction_001 90.0 wall
externalwall_7 90.0 construction_001 70.0 wall
externalwall_8 270.0 construction_001 160.0 wall
window_2 180.0 ins2ar2020_001 1.5 wall
flooronground_2 90.0 construction_001 80.0 floor
internal_space_002_space_001_construction 10.0 construction_001 18.0 wall
hRoo AFlo linearizeRadiation m_flow_nominal mSenFac T_start volume
2.7 120.0 true 0.01 1.0 294.15 324.0
gain k occupancy name
[40; 75; 40] 1/7/3 3600*{9, 17} occupancy_2


Layer Information Table

Name Azimuth Construction Name Surface Tilt
externalwall_9 180.0 construction_001 120.0 wall
externalwall_10 90.0 construction_001 100.0 wall
externalwall_11 0.0 construction_001 220.0 wall
window_3 180.0 ins2ar2020_001 2.0 wall
flooronground_3 90.0 construction_001 120.0 floor
internal_space_002_space_001_construction 10.0 construction_001 18.0 wall
Layers for construction_001
Name c epsLw epsSw k rho Thickness
material_001 900.0 0.85 0.85 0.045 2100.0 0.12
material_002 950.0 0.85 0.85 0.04 1950.0 0.08
material_003 920.0 0.85 0.85 0.038 2050.0 0.1
Layer Information Table
Layers for ins2ar2020_001
Name c epsLw epsSw k rho Thickness
glass_001 860.0 0.82 0.65 1.1 2500.0 0.005
air_001 1005.0 0.0 0.0 0.026 1.18 0.014
glass_001 860.0 0.82 0.65 1.1 2500.0 0.005